About Social Welfare Council

About Social Welfare Council

Government of Nepal has established Social Welfare Council under Social Welfare Act, 2049 (1992) to provide for the Social Welfare by means of different activities relating to the social welfare work, to support the overall development of the country may operate the social welfare programme through the concerned Ministry and Social organizations and institutions.

Special Programme relating to social welfare:

Government of Nepal may operate special Programmes, relating to the social welfare activity and social service, in the following matters;
(a) To serve interest and render welfare to the children, old age, helpless or disabled people.

(b) To foster participation in development and to promote and protect the welfare, rights and interest of the women.

(c) To rehabilitate and help to lead a life of dignity to the victims of social mischiefs and to juvenile delinquency, drug addicts and similar people involved in other kind of addictions.

(d) To help to lead a life with dignity to the jobless, poor and illiterate people.

(e) To manage religious places and the activities of the trust Guthi institutions.

(f) To take effective management and actions for the welfare of the backward communities and classes.

Functions, Duties and Powers of the Council:

The functions, Duties and Powers of the Council shall be as follows:


(a) To run or cause to run the social welfare activities smoothly and effectively, to extend help to the social organizations and institutions and to develop co-ordinations among them and to supervise, follow-up and carry out evaluations of their activities.

(b) To extend or cause to extend help and support to establish social organizations and institutions, their development, strengthening and extensions.

(c) To work or cause to work as co-coordinator between Government of Nepal and social organizations and institutions.

(d) To provide consultancies to Government of Nepal in order to formulate policies and programmes directly related to social welfare activities and other social services.

(e) To establish and conduct or cause to establish and conduct a fund, for the social welfare activities.

(f) To work or cause to work as a center for dissemination of information and documentation to the affiliated service oriented organizations and institutions with Council.

(g) To conduct or cause to conduct trainings, studies and research programmes in the areas with social welfare.
(h) To carry out or cause to carry out the physical supervisions of the properties of those social institutions and organizations affiliated with the Council.

(i) To carry out or cause to carry out the necessary functions to implement the objectives of this Act.
(j) To make or cause to make contract or agreement with the local, foreign or international organizations and foreign countries.

(k) To collect grant from the national and international agency and to manage the received grant.


Establishment of the council:

(1) The social welfare council established to make effective co-ordination, co-operation, mobilization and promotion of the social organizations and institutions, in order to run social activities in more organized way. The Council consists of the following members:

(a) The Ministry or the Minister of State responsible for the social welfare work – Chairperson

(b) One reputed social worker nominated Government of Nepal – Vice-chairperson

(c) One reputed social worker nominated by Government of Nepal – Treasurer

(d) Member, (responsible for the social service) the National Planning Commission – Member

(e) Not more than four persons at least one women nominated by Government of Nepal from among the social worker – Member

(f) Three persons nominated by Government of Nepal from among various social organizations
and institutions – Member

(g) Representative of the relating Ministry responsible for social welfare – Member

(h) Representative, Ministry of Home Affairs – Member

(i) Representative, Ministry of Local Development – Member

(j) Representative, Ministry of Finance – Member

(k) Representative, Ministry of Health – Member

(l) Representative, Ministry of Education and Culture – Member

(m) The person nominated by Government of Nepal – Member-Secretary

Contact Us

Central Office
Lalitpur, Nepal
Tel.: +977-01-5455495 | 5455448 | 5455494
Post Box No. 2948
Email: info@swc.org.np
URL: www.swc.org.np

For NGO Affiliation and Renewal
Coordination Section, Bhrikutimandap, Kathmandu
Tel: +977-01- 5327084


Mr. Deependra Pant
9851187662, Email : infoofficer@swc.org.np
Information Officer, Acting Director